Course Overview

This course is devoted to a survey of the New Testament. Written over a fifty-year period (AD 45–95), the New Testament contains 27 books with a variety of styles. The first four books (Gospels) cover the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Together they provide a comprehensive picture of His life and teachings. The book of Acts provides a history of the early Christians and the spread of the church.

Paul’s letters to the various local churches and individuals are full of encouragement and explanations of the beliefs of the church. There are also a number of letters from other authors. The New Testament closes with the book of Revelation. In this final book, we are told of things to come.

This study will help you fit the New Testament together and understand the reasons for the coming of the Lord Jesus and the tremendous impact of His life, death, and resurrection.

You will cover

  • • New Testament Survey

  • • Biblical Outlines

  • • Gospels

  • • New Testament Epistles

Bible Version

This course uses NKJV when referencing Bible passages.


    1. Introduction to New Testament Survey – Lesson 1

    2. Exam – Chapter 1

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 1

    1. Matthew, Mark, and Luke - Lesson 2

    2. Exam – Chapter 2

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 2

    1. The Gospel of John and Acts - Lesson 3

    2. Exam – Chapter 3

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 3

    1. Romans and 1 Corinthians - Lesson 4

    2. Exam – Chapter 4

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 4

    1. 2 Corinthians and Galatians - Lesson 5

    2. Exam – Chapter 5

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 5

    1. Ephesians and Philippians - Lesson 6

    2. Exam – Chapter 6

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 6

    4. Write It Out! 1

About this course

  • $8.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Emmaus Worldwide: Correspondence School

Emmaus Worldwide's correspondence school exists to Glorify God by providing biblically sound resources and structured study materials that teach people from every nation to accept Christ as their Savior and Lord, grow in Christ, and share their faith with others.