Course Overview

Genesis is the book of beginnings. In Genesis, we read of the creation of the world, the fall of mankind into sin, the promise of a Savior, and the spread of man over the earth. We are introduced to Abraham and follow his family as they live in Canaan and then move to Egypt. Understanding the book of Genesis gives a good basis for understanding the rest of the Bible and God's plan to provide salvation for us from the penalty of sin.

You will cover

  • • The Book of Genesis

  • • Creation

  • • The Great Flood

  • • The Tower of Babel

  • • Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph

Bible Version

This course uses NKJV when referencing Bible passages.


    1. Creation - Lesson 1

    2. Exam – Chapter 1

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 1

    1. God Creates Man - Lesson 2

    2. Exam – Chapter 2

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 2

    1. Sin Enters the World - Lesson 3

    2. Exam – Chapter 3

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 3

    1. Cain and Abel - Lesson 4

    2. Exam – Chapter 4

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 4

    1. The Flood - Lesson 5

    2. Exam – Chapter 5

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 5

    1. The Tower of Babel - Lesson 6

    2. Exam – Chapter 6

    3. What Do You Say? – Chapter 6

    4. Write It Out! 1

About this course

  • $5.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Emmaus Worldwide: Correspondence School

Emmaus Worldwide's correspondence school exists to Glorify God by providing biblically sound resources and structured study materials that teach people from every nation to accept Christ as their Savior and Lord, grow in Christ, and share their faith with others.